Thursday, May 28, 2009

Vacancy for Fairy Godmother.........

I was at Tuesday night's event in Brown Thomas, I'm sure most of you saw it on Tv3's Xpose last night, with Ms Paula Reed Style Director of Grazia magazine. I have to say she is very down to earth and just a really nice person who really knows her stuff about fashion! She was launching her book Style Clinic, which I got (she signed it!) and have been reading it ever since. If you are someone like me who is just obsessed with fashion and loves to read about it then you would love this book!! It has some really good tips and try to show you how to build the perfect wardrobe. Paula put together 15 outfits and talked us through each one in a fashion show. For someone who's works in fashion I really admired her when she was talking us through a €1,195 Balenciaga Blazer but then recommended that we go and buy one from the high street, and also with a very Chanel-esque D&G navy & red jacket for €1980 she admitted that she had bought herself a high street version instead!! Unfortunately I have no pics but I'm sure they will be in this weeks Sunday Tribune (sponsors)! I really love how she admitted to wearing high street especially in Brown Thomas amongst a few bitter women who wear kitted out in Chanel & YSL. I love how you can just mix high-street and designer now, I don't think there is anything more stuffy than seeing someone dressed head to toe in exclusive labels, especially young people!! It does not give you style! I really wish thought that she could be my style fairy Godmother!!

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